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Senior Management

"Active Candidates are the low hanging fruit, Passive Candidates are the once you want to reach for your organisation" Richard Esmaty (Founder SEEKER Group)​


When it comes to finding leadership, many organisation struggle and fail to find the sort of talent that can take their organisation to the next level.


The aging population and lack of interest from technical employees to pursue management has created a significant challenge for the workforce, unfortunately vacancies will likely increase as more of baby boomers will retire in the next 5 years.


We find that although we have a strong network of managers and executives, but filling these vacancies takes the longest. Its also that some of the candidates have long notice period in their contract, up to 3 months. 


If you are looking for senior management then we can build a talent pool that is unique for your business. 


Contact us today to learn more about our process and Talent Pool.

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